Your Electric Cooperative

If you receive your electricity from Otsego Electric Cooperative, you're not just a member, but a part owner of the cooperative.


To find out about our OEConnect broadband project please click the link.

NRECA Legislative Conference

Otsego Electric Cooperative has an exciting opportunity for a high school junior; an all-expense-paid trip to the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s (NRECA) Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C.; an opportunity made possible by Otsego Electric Cooperative and the New York State Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc.

Visit our Storm Center page to view our outage map and see tips and tricks in case of an outage. If you are experiencing an outage please call 1-607-293-6622 or 1-866-591-3192.


Visit Storm Center

For Sale

Now Accepting Sealed Bids

Now Accepting Sealed Bids on a 2014 RAYCO C100 Brush Mower. 

  • Reserve in Place
  • Will accept bids until Friday, June 28th at 3pm
  • Bid Forms Available at the office and online

Capital Credits

Returning Equity to our Members

Over the years, your local electric cooperative has returned millions of dollars in capital credit payments to both current and past cooperative member-owners. 

Payment Options

We offer many solutions to make payments easy!

We accept various forms of payment and try our best to provide you with many outlets for your convenience. Please see our list of payment options that are available to you today.


Stay up-to-date with our monthly edition of OECurrent!

Industry news and trends, energy efficiency tips and tricks, payment options and assistance, Co-op news and programs and so much more! Stay up-to-date with Otsego Electric Cooperative and all we have happening.