Our Apologies:

Many of our members received a message yesterday that stated they had a late bill, when in fact they did not. We do apologize for this inconvenience but you can ignore this messaging!

Request to Disconnect Service

Otsego Electric Cooperative, Inc. is a member-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperative.  


Powerlines with Lineman

To request the power to be turned off at your service location, please contact our office at 607-293-6622.  Disconnect service is available Monday through Friday during normal business hours.

Reconnect Service (during regular business hours) - $140 + tax

Overtime/Afterhours Reconnect - $450 + tax

Sunday/Holiday - $575 + tax

Meter Tampering Fee - $500 + tax

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday (except holidays)
7:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
