Our Apologies:

Many of our members received a message yesterday that stated they had a late bill, when in fact they did not. We do apologize for this inconvenience but you can ignore this messaging!

Monthly Board Meeting Schedule

The directors meet monthly to conduct the business of the cooperative and to make policy decisions. The long-term interests of the entire Otsego Electric membership are paramount in their considerations.


Powerlines with Lineman

Monthly Board Meetings take place at the office at 4:00 p.m. on the last Monday of each month.  Occasionally we have to change the date or time for various reasons. 

If you plan to attend the part of the meeting that is open to the public for Public Comment, please contact the office to verify the date and time of the meeting. The Public portion of the meeting usually takes place at the beginning of the meeting.  Members of OEC are welcome to attend the public session part of the meeting with comments or questions on cooperative business before the Board begins the business meeting.  Please let us know in advance if you would like to come and what you would like to talk about.  Comments should be as brief as possible and should not exceed five minutes. We request you maintain a civil demeanor.  We will not discuss private matters involving other members or personnel matters here at OEC.  The board might ask for time to respond to your request for information or action, in which event we will get back to you with an answer within a reasonable time.  The Business Meeting is closed to the public after the public session.