Our Apologies:

Many of our members received a message yesterday that stated they had a late bill, when in fact they did not. We do apologize for this inconvenience but you can ignore this messaging!

Capital Credits

The search below will allow you to search your name or a family name to see if there are any unclaimed Capital Credits sitting at the cooperative for you. If you do find your name, call the office at 607-293-6622 and we will help you from there!


Powerlines with Lineman

Cooperatives are not like for-profit companies that are owned by investors. As a member of Otsego Electric Cooperative (OEC), you aren’t just a customer, you’re also a part-owner of your Co-op. This means you get to vote on who will represent you on the Co-op’s Board of Directors and when the Co-op earns excess revenue or margin, you are allocated a portion of that equity.

This equity is first used to fund capital projects to keep our distribution system safe and reliable but it will eventually be returned to our members when the Co-op’s finances allow. Member equity in OEC is represented by Capital Credits.

Member Capital Credits being returned is a large part of what distinguishes a cooperative from an investor-owned or municipal utility. As you use, you earn!


capital credits

Search Below!

The search below will allow you to search your name or a family name to see if there are any unclaimed Capital Credits sitting at the cooperative for you. If you do find your name, call the office at 607-293-6622 and we will help you from there!